Saving of changes is not working
Nov 14 at 07:27pm CET
We have ran several checks on saving and regenerating the files after changes and everything seems to be working correctly. We consider the issue solved. Very sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused. If you are still experiencing issues please email our support team.
Affected services
Client portal
Nov 14 at 07:06pm CET
The Pusher services seem to be back up as mentioned here:
We are monitoring the situation and will close once we're sure everything is back online.
Affected services
Client portal
Nov 14 at 06:12pm CET
Saving new configurations for the banner settings results in a server error. For updating the status of the process of configuration in our interface we rely on Pusher. This platform currently has issues in the EU clusters. This results in configurations not updating when you try to save them. We're monitoring and trying to restore the functionality.
Affected services
Client portal